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  • 所属类别:连接器
  • 产品名称:TERM BLOCK HDR 4POS 90DEG 3.5MM
  • 厂商:Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG
  • 生产批号:2018+
  • 封装:连接器
  • 库存状态:有库存
  • 库存量:2650
  • 最低订购量:1
  • 详细资料:点击查找1289630000的pdf资料
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1728470000     1728630000   1756000000  1756160000  1728480000  1728640000   1756010000  1728490000   1728650000  1756020000   1756180000   1728500000   1728660000  1756190000    1728510000   1728520000   1728680000  1756050000   1756210000   1728530000  1728690000  1756060000  1728540000  1728700000  1756070000   1756230000  1728550000  1756240000  1728560000  1728720000 1756090000   1756250000  1728570000  1756100000  1756260000   1728580000   1728740000  1728590000    1728600000   1728760000  1756130000  1728610000  1756300000  1728620000 1728780000  1756150000 1756310000   1289630000 1288980000 1289640000 1289270000  1289650000 1289280000  1289670000 1289290000  1289680000 1289300000 1289700000 1289310000  1289710000 1289320000  1289720000 1289330000  1289730000 1289340000  1289740000 1289350000  1289750000 1289370000  1289770000 1289380000  1289780000 1289390000  1289790000 1289410000  1289800000 1289420000

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型号 厂商 批号 封装 说明
1289630000 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2018+ 连接器 TERM BLOCK HDR 4POS 90DEG 3.5MM


型号 厂商 批号 封装 说明
KPT02E8-4P ITT 24+ 连接器 Conn Circular PIN 4 POS Solder ST Box Mount 4 Terminal 1 Port
HSC1008R2J TE 24+ DIP HSC Family of Aluminium Housed Power Resistors 75W-500W dissipation capability, Gold anodization and two mounting flanges.
27914-30T12 ITT 2023+ 连接器 Contact Dimensions - Male F80 Crimp
AF8/WA27F Daniels Manufacturing Corporation (DMC) 24+ 工具 DMC压线钳 原装进口正品
CMF8342T CMF 23+ 模块 T系列三极管放大器模块
RWR78N39R2FR Vishay 24+ DIP RES 39.2 OHM 10W 1% WW AXIAL
ETP41L18BXUU STPI 22+ 继电器 STPI/REL ETP6 Relays Non-Latching, 6 PDT, 1 A, 72 VDC
MPS100ASC 三菱 2024+ 工具 精密位置检测器
TFPT1206L1001FV Vishay Dale 24+ 1206 SENSOR PTC 1KOHM 1% 1206
CKRA2410 Crydom Inc 23+ 继电器 Solidstate relay,10A 24-280V 90-280V i/p,
KDN-B-110V Mors Smitt 2024+ 继电器 闭锁/双稳态重载功率继电器KDN-B 110VDC
4403-000LF CTS 2024+ DIP 微型 EMI #4-40 UNC-2A C 滤波器
MPY20W1470FB00MSSD Wima 2023+ DIP2 MP 3-Y2 4700 pF 20% 250 VAC 5x10x13.5 FVRM10
M3-A230 MORSSMITT 2024+ 继电器 Plug-in general purpose relay
SSDN-414-005 T&M 2024+ 直插 无感同轴分流器
6ES7214-1BG31-0XB0 西门子 23+ PLC 6ES7214-1BG31-0XB0
81-206-01 Elma Electronics 24+ 连接器 The 81-206-01 is bottom handle without ESD pin. Optional screws for fixing front panels: M2.5,: 61-295.
EMP-SM-3C-R10-D35 amphenol 24+ 连接器 高压矩形连接器
51513-12-12T12 ITT Interconnect Solutions 23+ 连接器 VB CON 12 PIN CRIMP 20-22

Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG品牌产品推荐

型号 厂商 批号 封装 说明
1756310000 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2018+ 连接器 S2L 3.5/36/90F 3.5AU SW PCB plug-in connector, Male connectors, Soldered connection, Pitch: 3.50 mm, No. of poles: 36, 90°, Bo
1756150000 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2018+ 连接器 S2L 3.5/36/90F 3.5AU OR PCB plug-in connector, Male connectors, Soldered connection, Pitch: 3.50 mm, No. of poles: 36, 90°, Box
1728780000 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2018+ 连接器 S2L 3.5/36/90F 3.5SN SW PCB plug-in connector, Male connectors, Soldered connection, Pitch: 3.50 mm, No. of poles: 36, 90°, Box
1728620000 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2018+ 连接器 S2L 3.5/36/90F 3.5SN OR PCB plug-in connector, Male connectors, Soldered connection, Pitch: 3.50 mm, No. of poles: 36, 90°, Box
1756300000 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2018+ 连接器 S2L 3.5/34/90F 3.5AU SW PCB plug-in connector, Male connectors, Soldered connection, Pitch: 3.50 mm, No. of poles: 34, 90°, Box
1728610000 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2018+ 连接器 PCB plug-in connector, Male connectors, Soldered connection, Pitch: 3.50 mm, No. of poles: 34, 90°, Box
1756130000 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2018+ 连接器 S2L 3.5/32/90F 3.5AU OR PCB plug-in connector, Male connectors, Soldered connection, Pitch: 3.50 mm, No. of poles: 32, 90°, Box
1728760000 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2018+ 连接器 S2L 3.5/32/90F 3.5SN SW PCB plug-in connector, Male connectors, Soldered connection, Pitch: 3.50 mm, No. of poles: 32, 90°, Box
1728600000 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2018+ 连接器 S2L 3.5/32/90F 3.5SN OR PCB plug-in connector, Male connectors, Soldered connection, Pitch: 3.50 mm, No. of poles: 32, 90°, Box
1728590000 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2018+ 连接器 S2L 3.5/30/90F 3.5SN OR PCB plug-in connector, Male connectors, Soldered connection, Pitch: 3.50 mm, No. of poles: 30, 90°, Box
1728740000 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2018+ 连接器 S2L 3.5/28/90F 3.5SN SW PCB plug-in connector, Male connectors, Soldered connection, Pitch: 3.50 mm, No. of poles: 28, 90°, Box
1728580000 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2018+ 连接器 S2L 3.5/28/90F 3.5SN OR PCB plug-in connector, Male connectors, Soldered connection, Pitch: 3.50 mm, No. of poles: 28, 90°, Box
1756260000 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2018+ 连接器 S2L 3.5/26/90F 3.5AU SW PCB plug-in connector, Male connectors, Soldered connection, Pitch: 3.50 mm, No. of poles: 26, 90°, Box
1756100000 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2018+ 连接器 S2L 3.5/26/90F 3.5AU OR PCB plug-in connector, Male connectors, Soldered connection, Pitch: 3.50 mm, No. of poles: 26, 90°, Box
1728570000 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2018+ 连接器 S2L 3.5/26/90F 3.5SN OR PCB plug-in connector, Male connectors, Soldered connection, Pitch: 3.50 mm, No. of poles: 26, 90°, Box
1756250000 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2018+ 连接器 S2L 3.5/24/90F 3.5AU SW PCB plug-in connector, Male connectors, Soldered connection, Pitch: 3.50 mm, No. of poles: 24, 90°, Box
1756090000 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2018+ 连接器 S2L 3.5/24/90F 3.5AU OR PCB plug-in connector, Male connectors, Soldered connection, Pitch: 3.50 mm, No. of poles: 24, 90°, Box
1728720000 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2018+ 连接器 S2L 3.5/24/90F 3.5SN SW PCB plug-in connector, Male connectors, Soldered connection, Pitch: 3.50 mm, No. of poles: 24, 90°, Bo
1728560000 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2018+ 连接器 S2L 3.5/24/90F 3.5SN OR PCB plug-in connector, Male connectors, Soldered connection, Pitch: 3.50 mm, No. of poles: 24, 90°, Box
1756240000 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. KG 2018+ 连接器 S2L 3.5/22/90F 3.5AU SW PCB plug-in connector, Male connectors, Soldered connection, Pitch: 3.50 mm, No. of poles: 22, 90°, Box
