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home page>Product Center> Ultra-low-power stereo audio codec
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UCB1400BE UCB1400BE NXP 11+ There is stock Inquiry
PEB3265HV1.2 PEB3265HV1.2 INFINEON 00+ A-Law/u-Law codec There is stock Inquiry
AD1815JS AD1815JS AD 96+ Audio communication controller There is stock Inquiry
PCM3060 PCM3060 TI/BB 09+ 24-bit asynchronous stereo audio codec with 96/192kHz sample rate There is stock Inquiry
PCM3794A PCM3794A TI 09+ 16-bit low-power stereo audio codec w/microphone bias Speakr headphone amplifier There is stock Inquiry
TLV320AIC3101 TLV320AIC3101 TI 11+ Portable, low-power stereo audio decoder/phone There is stock Inquiry
TLV320AIC3105 TLV320AIC3105 TI 07+ Low-power stereo codec with 6 inputs, 6 outputs, headphone amplifiers, and enhanced digital effects There is stock Inquiry
TLV320AIC34 TLV320AIC34 TI/BB 1039+ Low-power quad-channel codec There is stock Inquiry
TLV320AIC3204 TLV320AIC3204 TI 10+ Ultra-low-power stereo audio codec with Power TuneTM technology There is stock Inquiry
TLV320AIC3254 TLV320AIC3254 TI 2010+ Ultra-low-power stereo audio codec with miniDSP and power TuneTM technology There is stock Inquiry
TLV320AIC3104IRHBT TLV320AIC3104IRHBT TI 0906+ Low-power stereo codec with 6 inputs, 6 outputs, headphone amplifiers, and enhanced digital effects There is stock Inquiry