Datasheet 74HC(T)02
Standard packaging 3000
category Integrated Circuits (ICs)
Family Logic - gate and inverter
series 74HC
Logical type NOR gate
Number of circuits 4
Enter the number 2
peculiarity -
Supply Voltage - 2 V〜6 V
- Quiescent current (max) 2μA
- High and low output current 5.2 mA, 5.2 mA
Logic level - Low 0.5 V〜1.8 V
Logic level - High 1.5 V〜4.2 V
Maximum propagation delay, maximum @ V CL 15ns @ 6V, 50PF
Operating temperature -40°C〜125°C
Installation type Surface mount
Vendor device packaging 14 DHVQFN(2.5x3)
Package/Housing 14-QFN exposed pad
wrap Band Roll (TR)
Other names 568-5424-2