The AD7837/AD7847 are complete dual, 12-bit multiplication
Digital-to-analog convertersThe output amplifier is integrated on a CMOS monolithic to achieve full rated performance without external user adjustment. Both devices are microprocessor-compatible and feature high-speed data latches and interface logic. The AD7847 accepts 12 bits of parallel data loaded into the corresponding DAC latches via the WR input and a separate Chip Select input for each DAC. The AD7837 has a double-buffered 8-bit bus interface structure where data is loaded into the corresponding input latch in two writes. An asynchronous LDAC signal on the AD7837 updates the DAC latch and analog outputs. The output amplifier can generate ±10 V into a 2 kΩ load. Both are internally compensated and the input offset voltage is low due to laser trimming at the wafer level. On the AD7847, the amplifier feedback resistor is internally connected to V
OUTConnected. The AD7837/AD7847 are linearly compatible with CMOS (LC).
2MOS Process Manufacturing, an advanced hybrid process technology that combines sophisticated bipolar circuitry with low-power CMOS logic. The novel low leakage configuration ensures low offset error over the entire specified temperature range.