KXTE9-2050Speed sensor
Tri-axis, 2G, digital output (I2 C), 3x3x0.9mm LGA
The KXTE9's advanced directional detection features changes in the pattern, portrait, front-up, and down-facing conditions. This complex embedded algorithm eliminates the need for continuous data collection and complex calculations by a microprocessor. There are several tunable parameters that the screen rotation algorithm can optimize for an intuitive user experience. In addition to direction detection, the KXTE9 features activity monitoring functions. Reports changes in the motion state of the device with this feature, whether moving (active) or not moving (invalid). A manufactured product with consistent product performance under conditions of use, the KXTE9 operates across 1.8V to 3.6V DC supply voltages.
These high-performance silicon micromachined linear accelerometers and inclinometers consist of a sensing element and oneApplication-specific integrated circuitsPackaged in a 3x3x0.9mm Grid Array (LGA). The sensor element is manufactured with monocrystalline silicon proprietary to the Deep Reactive Ion Etch (DRIE) process and environmental protection, sealed at wafer level silicon caps.
The principle of differential capacitance on the function of the sensing element. Acceleration leads to changes in capacitance resulting in the displacement of the silicon structure. An ASIC that uses a standard CMOS manufacturing process to sense and convert to an analog output voltage, which is a change in capacitance proportional to acceleration. The sensing element design uses common-mode cancellation to reduce errors in process variation and environmental stress. The voltage on one board is digitally converted A/D and accessed through a cross-integrated circuit (I2C).