TLE2161, TLE2161A, TLE2161B, low power consumption, accuracy is the process by which JFET-input op amps are manufactured for Excalibe sword using Texas Instruments.Decompensatory, for stable closed-loop gain with a minimum of 5, these devices drive capability, combined with excellent output power consumption, low power consumption, high accuracy, and excellent DC gain product.
In addition to maintaining the advantage of traditional JFETs fast kill rates and low input bias and bias currents, the process will have outstanding parameter stability over time and temperature.This results in a device that remains precise even with temperature changes, depending on years of use.
D are offered series down, wobbly walking.
The view in the "Datasheet" is fully described
Excellent output drive capability
VO =RL± 2.5 V = 100 minutes
VCC±5 =±V
VO = ± 12.5 V min RL = 600
VCC±15 V =±
- Supply current low current... 280 amnesty
For highConversion rateand decompensation
Gain product
AVD = 0.5 min
Conversion rate= 10 V / we type
Gain product = 6.5 MHz
Wide operating supply voltage range
VCC±3.5 V = ±18 to ±V
- High open-loop gain... 280 V/mV typing
- Low offset voltage 500 uV Max.
Low offset voltage drift time
Typing 0.04 UV/month
- Low input bias current... 5 pA typing