The UDN2987LW-6 driver provides overcurrent protection for its eight source outputs and serves as an interface between standard low-level logic and relays, motors, solenoids, LEDs, and incandescent lamps. These devices include thermal shutdown and output transient protection/clamping diodes for use at 35 volts hold voltage.
In thesedrive, each channel includes a latch that closes the channel when the maximum channel current is exceeded. When thermal shutdown initiates, all channels are disabled. Common fault outputs are used to indicate a thermal shutdown of the chip or any overcurrent condition. Enable all outputs by pulling common OE/R inputs high. When OE/RWhen low, all outputs are disabled and eight latches are reset. OE/RFunctionality is especially important in power-up and preventing floating inputs from turning on outputs.
Under normal operating conditions, the eight outputs will continuously obtain more than 100 mA at an ambient temperature of 25°C and a supply voltage of 35 volts. The overcurrent fault circuit has a supply voltage of up to 30 volts to protect the device from a short to ground.
- 4.75 to 35 volt driver supply voltage
- Output On-Off (OE/R)
- 350 mA output source current
- Overcurrent protection
- Internal ground-clamping diode
- Output breakdown voltage 35 volts (min.)
- TTL, DTL, PMOS, or CMOS compatible inputs
- Internal thermal shutdown (TSD)