The DAC312 family of 12-bit multiplying digital-to-analog converters offers high-speed performance and guarantees 0.012% differential nonlinearity over the entire commercial operating temperature range.
The DAC312 combines a 9-bit master D/A converter and a 3-bit (MSB) segment generator to form a low-cost, precision 12-bit D/A converter. This technique ensures very consistent step sizes (up to 1/2 LSB off ideal± of which are ideal), monotonicity up to 12 bits, and integral nonlinearity of 0.05% for the differential current output. To achieve the same performance as a 12-bit R-2R trapezoidal resistor design, a temperature integral nonlinearity of 1/2 LSB (0.012%) is required.
The settling time of 250 ns, low glitch energy, and low power consumption are the result of attention to detail in circuit design and tight process control. Direct interfaces to all common logic families are implemented via the logic threshold side.
Other features of the DAC312 include high supply voltage, low drift (down to 10 ppm/°C), and excellent power supply rejection ratio (±.001% FS/%(Δ)V. The operating voltage range is +5/-11 V to ±18 V, and the power consumption is 225 mW at low supply voltages and 375 mW at high supply voltages.
The DAC312 is an ideal building block for applications requiring low power consumption and full I/O versatility, such as A/D converters, data acquisition systems, video display drivers, and programmable test equipment, due to its excellent guaranteed specifications, single-chip reliability, and low cost.