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CD4514B-MIL CD4514B-MIL TI 10+ A selectable output of "high" CMOS 4-bit latches/4 to 16-line decoders There is stock Inquiry
CD4514B CD4514B TI 10+ A selectable output of "high" CMOS 4-bit latches/4 to 16-line decoders There is stock Inquiry
CD4511B CD4511B TI 09+ CMOS BCD to 7-segment LED latch decoder driver There is stock Inquiry
CD4056B CD4056B TI 09+ CMOS BCD to 7-segment LCD decoder/driver with gated latching There is stock Inquiry
CD4055B CD4055B TI 07+ CMOS BCD to 7-segment LCD decoder/driver with display frequency output There is stock Inquiry
CD4028B-MIL CD4028B-MIL TI 10+ CMOS BCD to decimal or binary to octal decoder/driver There is stock Inquiry
CD4028B CD4028B TI 08+ CMOS BCD to decimal or binary to octal decoder/driver There is stock Inquiry
74ACT11139 74ACT11139 TI 09+ Dual 2-line to 4-line decoder/demultiplexer There is stock Inquiry
74AC11138 74AC11138 TI 10+ 3-line to 8-line decoder/demultiplexer There is stock Inquiry
SN74LS181 SN74LS181 TI 09+ Arithmetic logic unit/function generator There is stock Inquiry
SN54S182 SN54S182 TI 10+ Lead carrier generator There is stock Inquiry
SN54S181 SN54S181 TI 09+ Arithmetic logic part/function generator There is stock Inquiry
SN54LS181 SN54LS181 TI 09+ Arithmetic logic part/function generator There is stock Inquiry
SN74HC688 SN74HC688 TI 09+ 8-bit equivalent comparator There is stock Inquiry
SN74ALS521 SN74ALS521 TI 09+ 8-bit identification comparator with open-collector output There is stock Inquiry
SN54LS688-SP SN54LS688-SP TI 09+ 8-bit amplitude/identity comparator There is stock Inquiry
SN54LS688 SN54LS688 TI 09+ 8-bit amplitude/identity comparator There is stock Inquiry
TS5A3357 TS5A3357 TI 09+ Single 5Ω SP3T analog switch 5V/3.3V 3:1 analog multiplexer/demultiplexer There is stock Inquiry
SN74S151 SN74S151 TI 09+ 8-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer There is stock Inquiry
SN74LVC2G157 SN74LVC2G157 TI 10+ Single 2-line to 1-line data selector/multiplexer There is stock Inquiry