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BQ2002G BQ2002G TI 10+ NiCd/NiMH gate charge management ICs with negative dV and peak voltage detection terminals There is stock Inquiry
BQ2002F BQ2002F TI 10+ NiCd/NiMH gate charge management ICs with negative dV and peak voltage detection terminals There is stock Inquiry
BQ2002E BQ2002E TI 10+ NiCd/NiMH gate charge management ICs with negative dV and peak voltage detection terminals There is stock Inquiry
BQ2002D BQ2002D TI 10+ Turnstile charge management ICs for NiCm/NiMH batteries with dT/dt termination There is stock Inquiry
BQ2002C BQ2002C TI 10+ NiCd/NiMH gate charge management ICs with negative dV and peak voltage detection terminals There is stock Inquiry
BQ2002 BQ2002 TI 10+ NiCd/NiMH gate charge management ICs with negative dV and peak voltage detection terminals There is stock Inquiry
BQ2000T BQ2000T TI 10+ Multi-compound switch-mode charge management IC with dT/dt termination There is stock Inquiry
BQ2000 BQ2000 TI 10+ Multi-compound, switch-mode charge management IC with peak voltage detection termination There is stock Inquiry
BQ2057W BQ2057W TI 10+ Lithium-ion low-dropout linear (8.4V) charge management IC for two-section applications with AutoCompTM There is stock Inquiry
BQ2083DBT BQ2083DBT TI 10+ SBS compliant fuel gauge for use with bq29311 There is stock Inquiry
BQ2084RTTT-V140 BQ2084RTTT-V140 TI 10+ Fuel gauge with LED delay, SBS v1.1 compliant There is stock Inquiry
BQ2085DBTR BQ2085DBTR TI 2010+ SBS compliant fuel gauge IC for use with the bq29311 There is stock Inquiry
BQ2092SN-A311TRG4 BQ2092SN-A311TRG4 TI 09+ Multi-compound with 4 LED drivers meets SBS 0.95 for power monitoring There is stock Inquiry
BQ20Z70PWR-V160 BQ20Z70PWR-V160 TI 10+ SBS 1.1 compliant fuel gauge, enabled with Impedance Track technology, for use with the bq29330 There is stock Inquiry
BQ20Z80ADBT-V110 BQ20Z80ADBT-V110 TI 09+ SBS 1.1 compliant fuel gauge enabled with Impedance Track technology for use with the bq29312A There is stock Inquiry
BQ24023DRCRG4 BQ24023DRCRG4 TI 10+ bqTINY-II 1-Cell Li-Ion Charger with USB/AC Power Management in a 3x3mm2 QFN-10 package with enable and timer/kill enablers There is stock Inquiry
BQ24030IRHLRQ1 BQ24030IRHLRQ1 TI 2010+ Charger with dynamic power path management, output regulation to 6V, and battery regulation to 4.2V There is stock Inquiry
BQ24030RHLRG4 BQ24030RHLRG4 TI 09+ Automotive Monolithic Charging and System Power Path Management ICs (bqTINY) There is stock Inquiry
BQ24035RHLRG4 BQ24035RHLRG4 TI/BB 1014+ Charger with dynamic power path management, 6V output cut-off, and 4.2V battery regulation There is stock Inquiry
BQ24092DGQR BQ24092DGQR TI 10+ 1A single-input, single-cell Li-ion battery charger that operates via JEITA and 10kΩ NTC There is stock Inquiry