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TLV2782A TLV2782A TI 09+ Dual 1.8V RRIO, 8MHz amplifiers There is stock Inquiry
TLV2783 TLV2783 TI 09+ Dual 1.8V RRIO 8MHz amplifier with shutdown status There is stock Inquiry
TLV2783A TLV2783A TI 09+ Dual 1.8V RRIO, 8MHz amplifier with shutdown There is stock Inquiry
OPA1644 OPA1644 TI 08+ OPA1641/1642/1644 SoundPLUS™ high performance JFET input audio operational amplifiers There is stock Inquiry
OPA404 OPA404 TI 09+ Four high speed precision Difet(R) operational amplifiers There is stock Inquiry
OPA4132 OPA4132 TI 10+ High speed FET input op amp There is stock Inquiry
OPA4134 OPA4134 TI 08+ SoundPlus(TM) High performance audio operational amplifier There is stock Inquiry
OPA4322 OPA4322 TI 10+ 20MHz, low noise, 1.8V, RRIO, CMOS op amp There is stock Inquiry
OPA4343 OPA4343 TI 10+ MicroAmplifier™ family of single rail-to-rail operational amplifiers There is stock Inquiry
OPA4353 OPA4353 TI 08+ MicroAmplifier(TM) series of high speed single rail-to-rail operational amplifiers There is stock Inquiry
OPA4364 OPA4364 TI 08+ 1.8V, high CMR, RRIO op amp There is stock Inquiry
OPA4364-Q1 OPA4364-Q1 TI 10+ Automotive 1.8V, high CMR, RRIO op amps There is stock Inquiry
OPA4374 OPA4374 TI 09+ Four 6.5MHz, 585uA, rail-to-rail I/O CMOS operational amplifiers There is stock Inquiry
OPA4377 OPA4377 TI 09+ Low-cost, low-noise, 5.5MHz CMOS op amp There is stock Inquiry
OPA4743 OPA4743 TI 09+ 12V 7MHz CMOS rail-to-rail I/O quad op amp There is stock Inquiry
TLC074 TLC074 TI 09+ Four wideband high output drive op amps There is stock Inquiry
TLC074A TLC074A TI 10+ Four wideband high output drive op amps There is stock Inquiry
TLC075 TLC075 TI 10+ Four wideband high output drive op amps with off-state There is stock Inquiry
TLC075A TLC075A TI 09+ Four wide bandwidth high output drive op amps with shutdown states There is stock Inquiry
TLC084 TLC084 TI 09+ Four wideband high output drive single-supply op amps There is stock Inquiry