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DDTD113EC DDTD113EC DIODES 15+ NPN transistor There is stock Inquiry
DDTD123EC DDTD123EC DIODES 13+ Small transistor There is stock Inquiry
SI3522V SI3522V SANKEN 05+ Brand new original imported transistors There is stock Inquiry
ZDT6790TA ZDT6790TA ZETEX 2014+ Transistors 30V-50V There is stock Inquiry
2SC2655 2SC2655 Toshiba 14+ Brand new original imported transistors There is stock Inquiry
ZDT6790TC ZDT6790TC ZETEX 11+ Transistors 30V-50V There is stock Inquiry
TL431BW5-7 TL431BW5-7 DIODES 14+ Imported transistor devices are directly supplied from the original factory There is stock Inquiry
AZ431AN AZ431AN BCD 14 Brand new original There is stock Inquiry
BAR74E-6327 BAR74E-6327 INFINEON 13+ High-frequency field effect regulated transistor There is stock Inquiry
2SC3552 2SC3552 SANYO 14+ Hong Kong spot, imported original There is stock Inquiry
2SA1012 2SA1012 TOSHIBA 14+ Power transistors (50V with 5A bars, 25 watts) There is stock Inquiry
2SD965 2SD965 PANASONIC 14+ NPN low power high current transistor There is stock Inquiry
FQPF13N50C FQPF13N50C FAIRCHILD 13+ Brand new original imported stock supply There is stock Inquiry
BFN25 BFN25 Infineon 12+ Brand new original imported Infineon transistor There is stock Inquiry
BFN24 BFN24 Infineon 12+ Brand new original imported Infineon transistor There is stock Inquiry
MMFT5P03 MMFT5P03 ON 13+ Triode brand new original imported There is stock Inquiry
MJD122T4G MJD122T4G ON 10+ Transistor There is stock Inquiry
BD681 BD681 ON/ST 2010+ Complementary Silicon Power Darlington Transistors There is stock Inquiry
TIP127 TIP127 ST 13+ The transistor is brand new and original There is stock Inquiry
TIP122 TIP122 ST 13+ Darlington power amplifier tube There is stock Inquiry