The AD7988-1/AD7988-5 are 16-bit, successive approximation analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) that operate from a single supply VDD. The AD7988-1 provides 100 kSPS throughput and the AD7988-5 provides 500 kSPS throughput. Both are low-power, 16-bit sampling ADCs with multifunction serial interface ports. On the rising edge of the CNV, the device samples the analog input voltage difference between IN+ and IN- from 0 V to REF. The reference voltage (REF) is provided externally and can be independent of the supply voltage (VDD).
The SPI-compatible serial interface also enables several ADCs to be daisy-chained onto a single-3-wire bus using the SDI input. With a separate supply VIO, it is compatible with 1.8 V, 2.5 V, 3 V, and 5 V logic.
The AD7988 is available in a 10-lead MSOP or 10-lead QFN (LFCSP) package and operates over the -40°C to +125°C temperature range.
- Battery-powered devices
- Low power data acquisition system
- Portable medical instruments
- Automatic test equipment
-Data acquisition
- Low power: - AD7988-1: 700 uW (100 kSPS)
- 16-bit resolution, no missing codes
- Throughput rate: 100 kSPS
- Integral Nonlinearity (INL): Typical value± 0.6 LSB, maximum value ± 1.25 LSB
- SINAD: 91.25 dB (10 kHz)
- Total harmonic distortion (THD): -114dB (10 kHz)
- Wide operating temperature range: -40°C to +125°C
- No pipeline delay