The ADG467 is one
Eight-channel protector。 The channel protector is placed in series with the signal path. Channel protectors protect sensitive components from voltage transients in the signal path regardless of the presence or absence of a power supply. Because channel protectors operate independently of the power supply, they are ideal for protecting analog inputs in applications where the power supply timing is not always correct, such as hot-swappable rack systems. This is discussed in detail in the Applications section of the data sheet, with some example circuitry.
ADG467既可以采用双极性电源供电,也可以采用单极性电源供电。电源接通时,通道开启(常态);电源断开时,通道关断。当电源为±15 V时,ADG467的导通电阻典型值为50 Ω,泄露电流最大值为±1 nA。当电源断开时,输入泄露电流典型值约为±5 nA。