Model |
Manufacturers |
lot number |
encapsulation |
illustrate |
HEF40106BP,652 |
10+ |
Hex inverting Schmitt trigger - Description: Hex Inverting Schmitt-Trigger ; Logic switching levels: CMOS ; Number of pins: 14 ; Output drive capabili |
74LVC14APW,112 |
10+ |
Hex inverting Schmitt-trigger with 5 V tolerant input - Description: 3.3V Hex Inverter Schmitt-Trigger ; Logic switching levels: TTL ; Number of pins: |
74AHC1GU04GW,125 |
10+ |
Inverter - Description: PicoGate Unbuffered Inverter ; Logic switching levels: CMOS ; Output drive capability: +/- 8 mA ; Power dissipation considerat |
74AHC1G02GV,125 |
10+ |
2-input NOR gate - Description: Picogate 2 input NOR Gate ; Logic switching levels: CMOS ; Number of pins: 5 ; Output drive capability: +/- 8 mA ; Pow |
74HC27D,652 |
10+ |
Triple 3-input NOR gate - Description: Triple 3-Input NOR Gate ; Logic switching levels: CMOS ; Number of pins: 16 ; Output drive capability: +/- 5.2 |
74LVC1G384GV,125 |
10+ |
Bilateral switch - Description: 3.3V PicoGate Bilateral Switch ; Logic switching levels: TTL ; Number of pins: 5 ; On resistance: 6.5@3.3V Ohms; Power |
74HC125N,652 |
10+ |
Quad buffer/line driver; 3-state - Description: Quad Buffer/Line Driver with Active LOW Output Enable (3-State) ; Logic switching levels: CMOS ; Numbe |
74LVC08AD,112 |
10+ |
Quad 2-input AND gate - Description: 3.3V Quad 2-Input AND Gate ; Logic switching levels: TTL ; Number of pins: 14 ; Output drive capability: +/- 24 m |
HEF4060BT,652 |
10+ |
14-stage ripple-carry binary counter/divider and oscillator - Description: 14-Stage Ripple-Carry Binary Counter/Divider and Oscillator ; Fmax: 30 @ 15 |
74HCT573D,652 |
10+ |
Octal D-type transparent latch; 3-state - Description: Octal D-Type Transparent Latch; TTL Enabled (3-State) ; Logic switching levels: TTL ; Number of |
74HC04D,652 |
10+ |
Hex inverter - Description: Hex Inverter ; Logic switching levels: CMOS ; Number of pins: 14 ; Output drive capability: +/- 5.2 mA ; Power dissipation |
74LVC1G00GW,125 |
10+ |
Single 2-input NAND gate - Description: 3.3V PicoGate 2-Input NAND Gate ; Logic switching levels: TTL ; Number of pins: 5 ; Output drive capability: + |
74HC00N,652 |
10+ |
Quad 2-input NAND gate - Description: Quad 2-Input NAND Gate ; Logic switching levels: CMOS ; Number of pins: 14 ; Output drive capability: +/- 5.2 mA |
74LVC245ADB,118 |
10+ |
Octal bus transceiver with direction pin with 5-volt tolerant inputs/outputs 3-State |
HEF4051BT,652 |
10+ |
8-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer - Description: 8-Channel Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer ; Logic switching levels: CMOS ; Number of pins: |
74HC05D,112 |
10+ |
Hex inverter with open-drain outputs, SOT108-1 (SO14), Tube |
74AHCT125D,112 |
10+ |
Quad buffer/line driver; 3-state - Description: Quad Buffer/Line Driver with Active LOW Output Enable; TTL Enabled (3-State) ; Logic switching levels: |
74HC245D,652 |
10+ |
Octal bus transceiver; 3-state - Description: Transceiver with Direction Pin; Non-Inverting (3-State) ; Logic switching levels: CMOS ; Number of pins: |
74HC86D,652 |
10+ |
NA |
Quad 2-input EXCLUSIVE-OR gate - Description: Quad 2-Input EXCLUSIVE-OR Gate ; Logic switching levels: CMOS ; Number of pins: 14 ; Output drive capabi |
HEF4069UBP,652 |
10+ |
NA |
Hex inverter |