Transistor polarity: N-channel
Drain current, Id max: 33A
Voltage, Vds max: 100V
Open-state resistance, Rds(on): 0.052ohm
Voltage @ Rds measurement: 10V
Voltage, Vgs max: 4V
Power consumption: 94W
Package type: TO-220AB
Number of pins: 3
Power, Pd: 94W
Device tag: IRF540N
Package type: TO-220AB
Pin pitch: 2.54mm
Number of transistors: 1
Transistor type: MOSFET
Temperature @ current measurement: 25°C
Full power temperature: 25°C
Thermal resistance, junction to housing A: 1.1°C/W
Voltage Vgs @ Rds on measurement: 10V
Voltage, Vds typical: 100V
Current, Id continuous: 27A
Current, Idm pulse: 110A
Surface mount devices: through-hole mounted
Pin format: 1 g
2 d/tab
3 s
Pin configuration: A
Threshold voltage, Vgs th typical: 4V