The AD7237A/AD7247A are enhanced versions of the industry standard AD7237/AD7247, respectively, with improvements such as operation from 12 V to 15 V supplies, faster interface times, and reference voltage following VDD has better volatility performance and faster settling times.
The AD7237A/AD7247A are complete dual, 12-bit, voltage outputsDigital-to-analog convertersThe output amplifier and Zener reference are integrated on a CMOS monolithic to achieve full rated performance without external user adjustment.
两款器件均与microprocessor兼容,并配有高速数据锁存和接口逻辑。AD7247A接受12位并行数据,数据通过WR输入和各DAC单独的芯片选择(Chip Select)输入载入相应的DAC锁存器。AD7237A具有一个双缓冲接口结构和一个8位宽数据总线,数据通过两次写操作载入相应的输入锁存器。AD7237A上的异步LDAC信号可更新DAC锁存和模拟输出。
These devices feature REF OUT/REF IN (Reference: External/Internal), which can be obtained from either a 5 V on-chip reference or an external reference. When operating from a single supply, it can provide both 0 V to +5 V and 0 V to +10 V output ranges; When operating from dual supplies, an additional ±5 V output range is provided in addition to the above two output ranges. The output amplifier is capable of generating +10 V to ground (GND) across a 2 kΩ load.
AD7237A/AD7247A采用线性兼容CMOS (LC2MOS)工艺制造,这是一种将精密的双极性电路与低功耗CMOS逻辑相结合的先进混合工艺技术。两款器件均提供两种封装:0.3英寸宽、24引脚塑料密封双列直插式封装(DIP)和24引脚小形集成封装(SOIC)。