AD7292It is a single-chip solution that combines all the functions required for general-purpose analog signal monitoring and control of external devices. The AD7292 has an 8-channel, 10-bit SAR DAC, four 10-bit DACs, and an internal accuracy of ±1°CTemperature sensor, and 12 GPIOs to assist with system monitoring and control.
The 10-bit, high-speed, low-power successive approximation register (SAR) ADC is designed to monitor a wide range of single-ended input signals. Differential operation is also supported, and VIN0 and VIN1 can be configured to operate as differential pairs.
The AD7292 provides a register programmable ADC sequencer that selects programmable channel sequences for conversion.
Four 10-bit digital-to-analog converters (DACs) provide outputs from 0 V to 5 V; An internal precision 1.25 V reference provides an independently buffered reference for the ADC and DAC.
It houses a high-precision bandgap temperature sensor that is monitored and digitized by a 10-bit ADC to provide a resolution of 0.03125°C. The AD7292 also has built-in throttling and alarm functions.
The AD7292 is a highly integrated solution in a 36-lead LFCSP package with an operating temperature range of −40°C to +125°C.
• Monitoring and control of base station power amplifiers (PAs).
• RF control loop
• Optical communication system control
• Universal system monitoring and control