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home page>Product Center> Operational amplifiers
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LT6202 LT6202 LT 10+ Rail-to-rail input and output, 1.9nV/√Hz ultralow noise, low power, 100MHz single op amp There is stock Inquiry
LT6201 LT6201 LT 10+ A family of 165MHz, rail-to-rail input and output, 0.95nV/√Hz low noise operational amplifiers There is stock Inquiry
LT6200 LT6200 LT 11+ 165MHz, rail-to-rail input and output, 0.95nV/√Hz low noise op amp series There is stock Inquiry
LT6108-1 LT6108-1 LT 11+ High-side current-sense amplifier with reference and comparator There is stock Inquiry
LT6107 LT6107 LT 10+ High temperature, high side current sense amplifier in SOT-23 package There is stock Inquiry
LT6106 LT6106 LT 10+ 36V low cost high slope using SOT-23 current sensing There is stock Inquiry
LT6105 LT6105 LT 11+ Accurate, extended input range current sense amplifier There is stock Inquiry
LT6100 LT6100 LT 11+ Precision, gain selectable high-side current-sense amplifier There is stock Inquiry
LT1463 LT1463 LT 11+ Dual/quadruple, micro, 260μW-load Picoampere's bias current JFET input op amp There is stock Inquiry
LT1462 LT1462 LT 10+ Dual/quadruple, micro, 260μW-load Picoampere's bias current JFET input op amp There is stock Inquiry
LT1398 LT1398 LT 11+ Low cost dual and triple 300MHz with shutdown current feedback amplifiers There is stock Inquiry
LT1396 LT1396 LT 11+ Dual 400MHz current feedback amplifiers There is stock Inquiry
LT1395 LT1395 LT 11+ Single 400MHz current feedback amplifier There is stock Inquiry
LT1369 LT1369 LT 11+ Quad, precision, rail-to-rail input and output op amps There is stock Inquiry
LT1366 LT1366 LT 11+ Dual-channel, precision, track-to-orbit input; And; Output op amp There is stock Inquiry
LT1364 LT1364 LT 10+ Dual-core and quad up to 70MHz, 1000V/μs op amps There is stock Inquiry
LT1359 LT1359 LT 11+ 25MHz dual-core and quad,600V/μs op amps There is stock Inquiry
LT1353 LT1353 LT 10+ Dual and quad 250μA, 3MHz, 200V/μs op amps There is stock Inquiry
LT1256 LT1256 LT 10+ 40MHz video fader and DC gain control amplifier There is stock Inquiry
MAX9515 MAX9515 maxim 12+ Features a 1mm x1mm video filter amplifier with automatic shutdown and 2V/V gain There is stock Inquiry