ADG5248F and ADG5249F 分别为8:1和双通道4:1模拟多路复用器。ADG5248F将8路输入之一切换至公共输出,ADG5249F将4路差分输入之一切换至公共差分输出。 当接通时,各通道在两个方向的导电性能相同,输入信号范围可扩展至电源电压范围。 主电源电压定义导通电阻曲线,而副电源电压定义过压保护启动时的电平。
没有电源时,通道保持关断状态,开关输入处于高阻态。 正常工作条件下,如果任一Sx引脚上的模拟输入信号电平超过正故障电压(POSFV)或副故障电压(NEGFV),并且超出幅度达到阈值电压(VT),则通道关断,并且该Sx引脚变为高阻态。 如开关选为接通状态,漏极引脚将被拉至所超过的副电源电压。 无论有无供电,相对于地达到+55 V或−55 V的输入信号电平都会被阻塞。
The low capacitance and charge injection characteristics of these switches make them an ideal solution for data acquisition and sample-and-hold applications that require low switching glitches and fast settling times.
Note that throughout the data sheet, multifunction pins (such as A0/F2) are represented by the entire pin name or by a single function of the pin; For example, A0 indicates that it is only relevant for this function.
Product features
- The source pins are protected against overvoltages up to −55 V and +55 V above the secondary rail.
- The overvoltage protection range of the source pin is −55 V to +55 V when no power supply is present.
- Overvoltage detection provides a digital output indicating the operating status of the switch.
- Channel isolation prevents latch-up.
- Optimized for low charge injection and on-capacitance.
- Analog input/output modules
- Process control/distributed control systems
- Data acquisition
- Instrumentation
- Avionics
- Automatic test equipment
- Communication systems
- Relay alternatives