The ADuM3160 is a company using Analog Devices
iCoupler® technology
USB port isolatorIt combines a high-speed CMOS process with monolithic air-core transformer technology to provide excellent operating performance and easy integration with low- and full-speed USB-compatible peripherals.
Many microcontroller implementations of USB only provide D+ and D− lines to external pins. This is desirable in many cases because it requires very few external components and simplifies the design; However, this presents a challenge when isolation is required. Because the USB line must switch between actively driving D+/D− and allowing an external resistor to set the bus state, the ADuM3160 architecture can both sense the flow direction and control the state of the output buffer. The direction of data flow is determined on a grouping basis.
The ADuM3160 combines edge detection-based iCoupler technology with internal logic for transparent, easy-to-configure, upstream-facing port isolators. Isolated upstream ports offer many advantages such as simple circuitry, power management, and robust operation.
The propagation delay of this isolator is comparable to that of standard hubs and cables. It can operate from a supply voltage of 3.0 V to 5.5 V on either side and internally adjust this voltage to signal level, allowing direct connection to VBUSx. The ADuM3160 isolates the pull-up resistor so that the peripheral can control the connection timing. The current of the device is very low in the idle state, so there is no need for a suspend state.
- USB peripheral isolation
- Isolated USB hub
- Repeater