The TLE2142 device is a high-performance, internally compensated operational amplifier using the built-in complementary bipolar Excalibur Texas Instruments ™ process. This is an industry product that is a pin-compatible upgrade standard.
The design uses an input stage while achieving 10.5 noise Nevada in the low audio band/
1hertzand 10 Hz/f angular symmetric 40-V/μs conversion rates are typically between loading to 800 pF. The resulting low distortion and high power bandwidth are important for high-fidelity audio applications. A fast settling time of 340 ns to 0.1% of 10-V steps with a 2-K table
/100 - pF load fast actuator/positioning drive is very useful. The settling time under similar test conditions was 0.01%, which was 400 nanoseconds.
The device is stable with capacitive loads up to 10 nF, although the bandwidth at 6 MHz drops to this high load level of 1.8 MHz. Therefore, the TLE2142 is useful for low droop sample-and-hold and directly buffered long cables, including 4-mA to 20 mA current loops.
The special design also exhibits an improved insensitivity to the mismatch of intrinsic IC elements that is evidenced by an offset voltage of 500μV and a typical drift of up to 1.7μV/°C. The minimum common-mode rejection ratio and supply voltage rejection ratio are
85 dB and 90 dB, respectively.
The device performance is in the ± 2 V range of relatively independent supply voltages of ± 22 V. Inputs can come and gotargetV CC-- 0.3 V toVCC's+- 1.8 volts without induced phase reversal, but excessive input current will flow out of range, with each input exceeding low common-mode. The full NPN output stage provides near-rail-to-rail output swing
targetV CC-+ 0.1 V toVCC's+- 1 V photocurrent load condition. The device can maintain either power supply for the shorts because the output current is internally limited, but care must be taken to ensure that the maximum package power consumption is not exceeded.
The TLE2142 can also be used as a comparison. Consumer CouncilV±Differential inputs remain undamaged to the device. Open-loop and TTL supply level propagation delays are typically 200 nanoseconds. This gives a good representation of the recommended output swing drive beyond the limit when restoring a saturated output stage device.
The TLE2142 device is available in an industry-standard 8-pin small outline (quad) package. The device is characterized by operation from -40 ° C to 125 ° C
- Qualified automotive applications
- Low noise
10 Hz: 15 Nevada /
1 kHz: 10.5 Nevada /
- 10000 - pF load capacity
- 20 mA Output Short-Circuit Current (Min)
- 27-V/μs slew rate (min)
- High gain bandwidth product: 5.9 MHz
- Single or split supply: 4 V to 44 V
- Fast settling time
- 340 ns to 0.1%
- 400 ns to 0.01%
Large output swing: