Operating current is 10μA to 20mA
1 最大的动态阻抗(典型值)
Low temperature coefficient
低电压参考 - 1.235V
LM185 - 1.2是一个微功率的2端带隙稳压二极管。 超过10μA到20mA的电流范围经营,它的功能非常低的动态阻抗和良好的温度稳定性。 片上微调是用来提供严格的电压公差。 由于LM185 - 1.2带隙参考使用只晶体管和电阻,低噪音和良好的长期稳定的结果。
The LM185-1.2 is an exceptionally forgiving capacitive load device designed to use for almost any reference application. The wide dynamic range of operations allows its use to vary greatly with excellent regulated supply.
LM185-1.2 extremely low power consumption enables microcircuits. This reference voltage can be used to make portable meters, regulatory agencies, or analog circuits with universal battery life near-shelf life.
In addition, the wide operating current allows it to replace older references in parts with tighter tolerances.