The A3932 is a three-phase MOSFET controller for use with bipolar brushless DC motors. Its high gate current drive capability drives a wide range of N-channel power MOSFETs and supports 50 volt motor supply voltages. The bootstrap high-end drive block is the gatedriveProvides floating positive power and minimizes the number of components required for normal operation. The high-side circuitry also features a unique FET supervisory circuit to ensure that the gate voltage is at the correct level before opening and during the ON cycle.
Internal fixed downtime PWM current control circuit regulates the maximum load current to the desired value. The peak load current limit can be set by the user by selecting the input reference voltage and an external sense resistor. The user can set the fixed downtime pulse duration by selecting an external RC timing network. To provide additional flexibility, a PWM input can be used to provide speed/torque control, allowing internal current control circuitry to set the maximum current limit.
Includes optional synchronous rectification. This feature shortens the current path through power MOSFET reverse diodes during PWM acyclic current decay. This reduces the power dissipation of power MOSFETs, eliminates the need for external power clamping diodes, and makes MOSFET applications a more economical option.
A3932 is configured for 120-degree pitchHall sensorThe IC provides rectification logic. Power MOSFET protection features include bootstrap capacitor charge current monitoring, undervoltage monitoring, short-to-ground motor pins, and thermal shutdown.
- Drives a wide range of N-channel MOSFETs
- Synchronous rectification
- Power MOSFET protection
- Adjustable downtime for cross-conduction protection
- 100% duty cycle operation
- Selectable fast or slow current decay modes
- Internal PWM peak current control
- High current gate drive
- Motor pin ground short-circuit protection
- Internal 5 volt current regulator
- Brake input
- PWM torque control input
- Troubleshooting output
- Speed output
- Thermal shutdown
- Undervoltage protection