AD7193BRUZ 4-channel, 4.8 kHz, ultralow noise, 24-bit, sigma-delta ADC with internal PGA
The AD7193 is a low noise complete analog front end for high precision measurement applications. It integrates a low noise, 24-bit sigma-delta modulusconverter(ADC)。 The on-chip low noise gain stage means that small signals can be input directly.
The device can be configured as four differential inputs or eight pseudo differential inputs. The on-chip channel sequencer can enable multiple channels simultaneously, and the AD7193 performs conversions sequentially on each enabled channel, simplifying communication with the device. The on-chip 4.92 MHz clock can be used as a clock source for the ADC; Alternatively, an external clock or crystal oscillator can be used. The output data rate of the device can vary from 4.7 Hz to 4.8 kHz.
The device features a very flexible digital filter, including a fast settling option. Variables such as output data rate and settling time depend on the option selected. For applications that require all conversions to be built, the AD7193 has zero latency.
The device operates from a supply voltage of 3 V to 5.25 V, consumes 4.65 mA, and is available in a 28-pin TSSOP package.apply
- PLC/DCS analog input module
-Data acquisition
- Strain gage transducers
- Pressure measurement
- Temperature measurement
- Flow measurement
- Electronic scales
- Chromatography
- Medical and scientific instruments