- Low 1.6V operation
- Low quiescent current
- Locking function: The device can latch too high the temperature
- Push-pull and open-drain temperature switch outputs
- Wide point range from 0°C to 150°C
- Very linear analog VtemperatureTemperature sensor output
- VtemperatureOutput short-circuit protection
- Accurate -50°C to 150°C temperature range
- 2.2mm × 2.5mm (typical) LLP-6 package
- Excellent power supply noise rejection
LM26LV هو الجهد المنخفض ، الدقة العالية ، الإخراج المزدوج ، مفتاح درجة حرارة الطاقة المنخفضة ، مستشعر درجة الحرارة. Temperature transition point (TTripAny temperature in the range from 0 ° C to 150 ° C can be pre-set at the factory 1℃ Increment. Built-in temperature hysteresis (THYST)The output is stable and remains unstable at ambient temperature.
عندما يتم تأكيد خرج مفتاح درجة الحرارة LM26LV في التشغيل العادي ، يتم تجاوز درجة حرارة القالبTTrip. When the temperature falls below a certain temperature (TTour- THYST), the temperature switch output is reset. The OVERTEMP digital output is actively high with the push-pull structure, while the ^ OVERTEMP digital output, active low, open-drain structure.
Vtemperature، الإخراج التناظري ، يوفر جهد خرج تناظري مع معامل درجة حرارة سالبة - NTC.
The driving trip test input is high: (1) causes the digital output of the in-situ verification assertion, and (2) causes the threshold voltage VtemperatureThe output pin appears, which may be used to verify the temperature trigger point.
يعد LM26LV مثاليا لفولتية الإمداد المنخفضة التي تصل إلى تصميمات نظام 1.8 فولت. Its wide operating range, low supply current, and excellent accuracy provide temperature switching solutions for a wide range of commercial and industrial applications.
Main specifications
■ Supply voltage
1.6V to 5.5V
■ Supply current
8μA (typical)
■ Precision, tourist spots temperature
0 °C to 150 °C
± 2.2° Comet
■ Vtemperatureprecision
0 °C to 150 °C
± 2.3 ° C
0 °C to 120 °C
± 2.2° Comet
-50°C to 0°C
± 1.7° Comet
■ VtemperatureOutput driver
± 100μA
■ Operating temperature
-50°C to 150°C
■ Hysteresis temperature
4.5 °C to 5.5 °C
- cell phone
- Wireless transceivers
- Digital cameras
- Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)
- Battery management
- Car
- disk drive
- Game
- household appliance