The M250 is a bidirectional, single-pole, always-on multi-purpose solid state relay in a 4-pin miniature small form factor package. It is designed to replace electromechanical and reed relays for special applications that are very fast called switching rates. The relay consists of an integrated driver circuit, two special source-to-source enhanced DMOS transistors that output extremely low capacitance and leakage current. The IC is optocoupled to the light-emitting diode, controlling its switching. The circuit is designed to make switching high-frequency signals ideal.
Quick opening (50us typical)
Low output capacitance
Ultra-small 4-pin small outline package
Low input control power consumption
Thirty-five milliamps maximum continuous load current
Maximum on-resistance of 300 ohms
High input-to-output isolation
RoHS compliant / lead-free / REACH compliant
Telecommunications switching
Tip/ring control
PCMCIA module
Meter reading system
Data acquisition
Medical equipment
Battery monitoring
Home/Security System
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