ZXCT1020E5TA low bias current output current monitor
highsideCurrent sensingaccurate
multifunctionOutput current;
thatBusinessrangeis 2.5V
25μa quiescenT electricity
typicalprecisionis 1%
zxct1020beprecisiontargethighsidecurrentdetectMonitor.useThisTypedeviceeliminatesneeddestructionGround-basedplanetimeinductionloadCurrent.Applications that use two to the ZXCT1020 outer resistors to aggregate voltage gain require a small positive voltage for improved accuracy.The fixed zxct1021 variant zetex provides gain (G = 10) and zxct1022 (G = 100).In such a ZXCT1020 footprint for the ZXCT1021/2 and 2 additional requirements: one resistors resistor resistor set between pins 1 and 4 and the other betweenpins transconductance, gain set to 3 and 2 overall.The output current enables the user to set the gain through these external resistors.By setting the gain externalresistors versatility to two to ensure that the optimal transconductance can output impedance changes to meet the required drive load, the zxct1020 SAH.Very typical low bias voltage, so that its accuracy of 3%, only 10mV voltage to the sense, meaning has better metabolism resistors high voltage low current high.wideinputvoltagerangeis 2.5VtargetvoltageDescended tolowtargetrange, make itApplies toApplication.in order toleastoperationscurrentIt's just that25µa,combineIts sot25encapsulationMake itApplies toportableequipmentof batteriesfinish。
of the motherboardpower supplycurrentmeasurement