AD9234 双通道、12位、1 GSPS模数转换器(ADC)
AD9234是一款双通道、12位、1 GSPS模数转换器(ADC)。 该器件内置片内缓冲器和采样保持电路,专门针对低功耗、小尺寸和易用性而设计。 该产品用于对宽带宽模拟信号进行采样。 AD9234针对宽输入带宽、高采样速率、出色的线性度和小封装低功耗而优化。
这款双通道ADC内核采用多级、差分流水线架构,并集成了输出纠错逻辑。 每个ADC均具有宽带宽缓冲输入,支持用户可选的各种输入范围。 集成基准电压源可简化设计。 各ADC的数据输出内部连接到可选2分频时钟。
AD9234内置多种功能,可以简化通信接收机中的自动增益控制(AGC)功能。 利用ADC的快速检测输出位,可编程阈值检测器可以监控输入信号功率。 如果输入信号电平超过可编程阈值,快速检测指示器就会变为高。 由于该阈值指示器的延迟极短,因此用户能够快速调低系统增益,从而避免ADC输入端出现超量程现象。 除了快速检测输出外,AD9234还具有信号监控能力。 信号监控模块可提供ADC进行数字化处理信号的其它信息。
The user can use the high-speed serial output of JESD204B Subclass 1 in single, dual, or quad configurations, depending on the acceptable channel rate of the receiving logic device and the sampling rate of the ADC. Multi-device synchronization support is provided through SYSREF ± and SYNCINB ± input pins.
The AD9234 has flexible power-down options that significantly reduce power consumption when needed. These features are programmable via a 1.8 V to 3.3 V 3-wire SPI.
The AD9234 is available in a 64-lead lead-free LFCSP package and is specified over the industrial temperature range of −40°C to +85°C. This product is protected by a U.S. patent.
Product features
- Low-power analog core, 12-bit, 1.0 GSPS dual channel
模数转换器(ADC),每通道1.5 W。
- 较宽的全功率带宽,支持高达2 GHz的IF信号采样 .
- Buffered inputs with programmable input termination simplify filter design and deployment.
- A flexible serial port interface (SPI) controls a variety of product features and functions to meet specific system requirements.
A flexible serial port interface (SPI) controls a variety of product features and functions to meet specific system requirements.
- Programmable fast overrange detection.
- 9 mm × 9 mm, 64-pin LFCSP.
- The AD9680 14-bit, 1 GSPS dual ADC is pin compatible.
- correspondence
- Diversity multiband, multimode digital receiver
- 点对点无线电系统
- 数字预失真观测路径
- Universal software defined radio
- Ultra-wideband satellite receiver
- Instrumentation (spectrum analyzers, network analyzers, integrated RF test solutions)
- Digital oscilloscope
- High-speed data acquisition system
- DOCSIS 3.0 CMTS upstream receive path
- HFC digital reverse path receiver
Shenzhen Xinwei Centennial Electronics Co., Ltd Address: Shenzhen Futian District Huaqiang Road Huaqiang Plaza A Block 13H
Tel: 0755-83591082
Fax: 0755-83591083
Q Q:1051085817