Low noise, high speed precision operational amplifier
- guarantee4.5 NV/root Hz 10Hz noise
- guarantee3.8 NV/root hertz 1kHz noise
- 0.1Hz to 10Hz noise, 60nVPP,typical
- guarantee70,000 minimum voltage gain,RL = 2K
- guarantee30,000 minimum voltage gain,RL = 600 ohms
- guarantee25μV maximum offset voltage
- guarantee0.6μV/°C (max) temperature drift
- guarantee11V/μsec Minimum Slew Rate (LT1037)
- guaranteeMinimum common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) of 117 dB
® The LT 1007/LT1037 family has the lowest noise performance dates for monolithic op amps: 2.5nV/rtHz wideband noise (noise less than a 400 ohm resistor), 1/F 2Hz angular frequency and 60nV peakto peak 0.1Hz to 10Hz noise. Low noise combined with excellent accuracy and speed specifications: 10μV offset voltage, 0.2μV/°C drift, 130dB common-mode and power supply rejection, and 60MHz gain-bandwidth product compensated for the LT1037, which is stable for a closed-loop gain of 5 or greater.
The voltage gain of the LT1007/LT1037 is a very high 200,000 driving 2K ohm load and 120,000 driving a 600 ohm load ± 10V.
In the design, processing and testing of equipment, special attention has been paid to the optimization of the entire distribution of several key parameters. As a result, even the lowest cost grade (LT1007C LT1037C) specifications have been spectacularly raised compared to competing amplifiers, equivalent to those of comparable amplifiers.
The low noise and low distortion characteristics of the LT1037 are used in the application of the sine wave generator shown below.