The AD8C211-L is a bidirectional, single-pole, single-throw, normally open multipurpose solid state relay. It is used to replace electromechanical relays in general purpose switching applications. The relay consists of an integrated driver circuit and two robust source-to-source enhanced DMOS transistors - optometrically coupled to a light-emitting diode. Protection and freewheeling diodes for output MOS transistors that can handle up to 5A inrush current, making them ideal for switching lamp relays and highly inductive loads.
High input-to-output isolation
Low input control power consumption
The maximum continuous load current is 140mA
25 ohms maximum on-resistance
Long life / high reliability
Current limit
Telecommunications switching
Tip/ring control
PCMCIA module
Meter reading system
Data acquisition
Medical equipment
Battery monitoring
Home/Security System
- H: High output isolation
- S: Surface mount option
- TR: Taping and reels
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